27 March 2015, No. 62, Raggio di Luna (Moon Ray), ‘Comanchero’
If it weren't for the excellent synth work here and the amount of satisfaction one gets from singing the word "comanchero" and rolling the r, this spaghetti disco take on the folks who traded with the Comanche and were (apparently) preoccupied with "pretty squaws" would be pretty lame. As it is, it's worth keeping on the list, plus it's got that little bit of extra campy cache not all italo disco records can claim. Like Silvio "Silver" Pozzoli, Raggio di Luna seems to have Anglicized their name to Moon Ray, and here's a panting, atmospheric, synth-laden, and probably culturally insensitive horse ride called "Comanchero." Coming in at No. 62, it also gets stuck in my head a lot.